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邵阳Fixture processing

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邵阳Fixture processing

  • Classification:邵阳Fixture processing

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  • Date:2022/01/21
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The advantage of using the fixture is that if it is the same product, even if the workers do not have very skilled technology, they can quickly use the fixture to produce a large number of good products with few defects and low variability. However, for a variety of a small number of production modes, the result of many fixtures will increase the production cost. The design difficulty of metallurgical tools depends on their complexity. At the same time, it also determines whether it is easier to master. At present, the general salary of fixture design in many companies has reached more than 3000. The key to engaging in this industry lies in the continuous accumulation and thinking of various institutions. Fixture in the narrow sense generally refers to machine fixture, which can be referred to as fixture for short. It is mainly used for machining and is also a bridge between machine, workpiece and cutting tool. At present, it is generally defined as "device tool for clamping workpiece" as fixture.





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Add:Fuquan Construction Group Hospital, Zhanqian street, Jinzhou District, Dalian

Dalian Kaide Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. specializes in precision machining in Dalian Record No:辽ICP备17015306号 technical support:联企时代