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溧阳Mold processing

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溧阳Mold processing

  • Classification:溧阳Mold processing

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  • Date:2022/01/21
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At present, the main factors restricting the machining accuracy of molds are the accuracy requirements of parts, the level of machining level and technical means, the technical level of fitters for assembling molds, as well as the management level and production mode of manufacturers. There are three main mold processing methods: cutting, casting and special processing. In the processing and manufacturing of molds, if no processing technology can meet all production requirements at the same time, when one processing method cannot meet the requirements, the process can be selected flexibly according to the production conditions and processing requirements. In this way, the best mold processing effect can be achieved. At present, in the plastic mold and die-casting mold industry, there have been intelligent control molds for the pressure, temperature, flow and cooling process of the mold cavity. In addition, the intelligence of equipment is also rapidly promoting the intelligent manufacturing of molds.




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Add:Fuquan Construction Group Hospital, Zhanqian street, Jinzhou District, Dalian

Dalian Kaide Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. specializes in precision machining in Dalian Record No:辽ICP备17015306号 technical support:联企时代